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Steel Structures

Manufacturing and assembling of roof steel structure dimension 20×20m, 10m heigh. 50 t of steel structures, 400m2 roof sheet, and 200m2 wall sheet instaled. Works done during period of july-august 2015. in Lafarge BFC cement plant in Beočin, Serbia

Processing Equipment

Installation of equipement for animal meal (alternative fuel). This equipment is part of the facility for alternative fuels (comunal and indsustrial waste) which we installed in Lafarge BFC cement plant in Beočin, Serbia in period august-october 2014.

Scaffolding Equipment

Stairs, parts of Layher All-round scaffolding system. Installed during construction of new clinker silo i Lafarge VFC cement plant in Beočin, Serbia.

You can read our professional advice on steel structures in DaiBau Magazine

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